Parishioner information:

Parish Questionnaire and Report


This is your opportunity to reflect and write down what is exciting and meaningful to you.

In responding to the following questions you can remain anonymous, or give your name if you would like a chance to further discussion.

1: What is important to you about entering the church? External appearance, visibility, initial engagement, and support to join in.

2: In what way is your understanding of and connection to God enhanced by our services?

3: What do you find most meaningful and satisfying? In what ways do you feel that you are comforted, joyous and inspired after spending time together?

4: How do the elements that make up the liturgy [eg music silence, prayer, readings, sermon Eucharist etc] help you to worship? In what ways does the service enable you to rest in God’s presence?

5: What makes our church inviting, welcoming, appealing? How do we reflect the experience of our worship, and fellowship we enjoy over morning tea in our wider community?

6: Is there anything else that you would like to add?

This is a collation of the survey comments June 2023 by Jill Straker.

Number of participants 11.

1.What is important to you about entering the church? External appearance, visibility, initial engagement and support to join in.

Appealing environment that is well lit and warm.

A well tendered garden.

Clear signage to ensure that the services are accessible to passing pilgrims

An awareness of past congregation.

A bright happy welcome

A chance to be touched by silence and peace

A place to rest with soft back ground music

A place to be able to focus on Eternal Presence and Truth.

2.In what way is your understanding of and connection to Go enhanced by our services?


Relevant and reflective sermons

Return weekly to keep connected to God with others with the same intention

3. What do you find most meaningful and satisfying? I what ways do you feel that you are comforted, joyous and inspired after spending time together?

Knowing that universally we are hearing a likeminded message

A chance to refocus on the Way of Love

A chance to gather in quiet, silence and peace that will flow over into our outside worlds

A place where we are not rushed.

A chance to really listen to the message of God through prayer, readings and hymns .

A place to listen collectively to sermons that build us up to be the love in the world

Joining in collective responses is unifying

There is a great importance of morning tea fellowship and feasting which can flow over into the community through our attitude and ease of fellowship. Extra social activities enhance the friendships and outreach.

4. How do the elements that make up the liturgy ( e.g. music, silence, prayer, readings, sermon,

Eucharist etc) help you to worship? In what ways does the service enable you to rest in God`s presence?

The opportunity to understand our historic practices and update our comprehension to make Gods word relevant to our world today.

There is comfort in the familiarity of all the elements.

The robes distinguish roles

Silence and peace and rest in a community helps to connect with God’s presence.

These elements provide food for interacting with life outside and our future.

We are reminded of God’s Grace and Truth.

It is a place where we are not rushed.

5. What makes our church inviting, welcoming, and appealing? How do we reflect the experience of our worship and fellowship we enjoy over morning tea in our wider community?

We strive to offer a sincere welcome.

We strive to express the Christ light in our reaching out and friendships/fellowship with one another. And be mindful of inclusive company.

We practice the belief that People are the church

The environment for example the stain glass windows and candles are comforting

6. Is there anything else you would like to add?

A number of requests for a call to silence before the service begins.

A request for name badges

All contributors to use the microphone

The flow of the service by way of reading comfort needs to be improved e.g Theme of the day

Is it possible to offer a family friendly service that is short followed by soup and fellowship once a month.

Given that the buildings hold a warm place in the wider community hearts, we could make everyone feel welcome to enjoy the environment in a park like openness

A follow up of people who have left

An informative pamphlet with information and options to leave contact details to new people visiting.

Perhaps we can visit other churches and the Cathedral

Consider chairs vs pews with respect.

Also consider changing the pews and cushions after the move.