Vestry and AGM minutes


The Anglican Parish of Heathcote and

Mt Pleasant

Consolidated Annual report 2024


1.   Minutes of the 2022 meeting

2.   Vicars Report

3.   Wardens Report

4.   Church of the Ascension Sale Report

5.   Treasurer Report

6.   AAW Report

7.   Twinkle Tots Report

8.   Nomination forms

Compiled by Mark Sullivan


February 2024


Agenda of the 164th Annual Meeting of the Anglican parish of Heathcote and Mt Pleasant, held in the Church of St Mary, 25 February 2024

1 Welcome

2 Minutes of the 2022 Meeting

3 Matters arising from those minutes

4 Reports




5 Election of Officers

6 Closing Eucharist




Held at the Church of St Mary, 10 am, Sunday 19 March 2023

 1: Welcome:

The Revd Mark Sullivan opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed people

to this Annual General Meeting in the 162nd year of the Heathcote church.


2: Present: Revd Mark Sullivan (chair) and

Janet Christie-Anderson

Vanda & Alistair McKerchar

Alastair & Sheelagh Wood

Viki Brinkman

Judy & Allan Stack

Pat Owen

Lynn Harris-Hogan

Darrilyn Bright

Margaret McKie

Sue & Barry Geddes

Jenny Steel

Hayley Wylie

Donna & Craig Sullivan

Judy & John Laidlaw

Moya Caird

Rae Boland

Liz Chapman

Sue Sullivan

Christine Clapp

3: Apologies: J. & C. Straker, P. Smith, C. Kirkland, L. Tregenza, N. Tolra.

4: Minutes of the last AGM dated 27 March 2022:

These were confirmed as a true and correct record at the first meeting of the Vestry in 2022 after the AGM.

5: Minutes of the Special General Meeting dated 31 July 2022:

These were confirmed as a true and correct record at the meeting of the Vestry on 24 August 2022.

6: Matters arising

There were no matters arising from either of these meetings.

7: Correspondence:

There was no correspondence.

8: Financial Report – P. Owen (Treasurer):

P. Owen referred to the pre-circulated Annual Performance Report for 2022.

The draft budget for 2023 is awaiting detail from the Diocese and will be considered by the Vestry.

Moved: That the Treasurer’s report be accepted. Agreed

9: Vicar’s Report

Revd M. Sullivan spoke briefly to his nine page pre-circulated report. He noted that the need to redefine the boundary of the two lots at Mt Pleasant was causing a delay in disposing of the property.

Moved: That the Vicar’s Report be accepted. Agreed

10: Consolidated reports

• Wardens Report: A. McKerchar summarised pre-circulated report that he and A. Stack had prepared.

• AAW Report: Pat Owen read the last section of her pre-circulated report.

• Liturgists’ Report: V. McKerchar summarised the pre-circulated report on Liturgists’ activities during the year. She especially thanked Liz Chapman for her efforts in preparing rosters during the year.

• Mah-jong group: L. Chapman summarised the group’s report. Typical numbers are 5-8 and more members would be very welcome. The parish welcomed the group’s donation of $622 to parish funds

• Twinkle Tots: Suzanne Stewart’s report on Twinkle Tots was one of the pre-circulated reports. She leads the group at 10.30 am on Friday mornings at the Heathcote Hall and invites parents or grandparents with pre-school children to attend their musical activities.

Moved: That the consolidated reports be accepted Agreed

11: Election of Vestry

People’s Warden:

There was one nomination for proposing Allan Stack as People’s Warden. There being no other nominations, A. Stack was declared elected as People’s Warden.


The following had been nominated and were individually approved as Vestry members:

H. Wylie

J. Christie-Anderson

N. Tolra

V. McKerchar

These nominees become Vestry members.

Also, P. Owen, to be elected as Treasurer by Vestry

The Vestry thus comprises the Vicar, Viki Brinkman (Synod Rep), Patricia Owen (Treasurer), Hayley Wylie, Janet Christie-Anderson, Vanda McKerchar, Norman Tolra and the two Wardens, Allan Stack and Alistair McKerchar (also Synod Rep).

The power to co-opt further members was agreed to by the Vestry members present.

General business

• J. Christie-Anderson reviewed the process of the disposal of the Mt Pleasant property. A particular issue in the resurveying of the boundary between the two lots is the location of the stormwater drain from the Vicarage. This is to be defined with specialist equipment and the whole process is expected to take another 4 or 5 months. She had also been involved in the selection of interior curtains, etc, for the new unit on the Truscotts Rd development that is being bought by the parish. It is expected to become available in June.

• S. Sullivan expressed appreciation for the support and encouragement for all the Sullivan family during Mark’s recovery. She noted that the parish is seen to be progressive by the CPT and also that the Cathedral rebuild is progressing,

• A. Stack also expressed appreciation for support in his role as Warden, especially since he is working on a contract in Wellington for about 4 months.

The meeting concluded at 10.32 am.

Date:_______________ Chair:_______________________


Vicars Report to the 164th Annual General Meeting

Work completed over the year, 2023

I am pleased to present my sixth annual report as Vicar of the parish. In writing this I have referred to my 2019 report as a way of reviewing our progress over the past 3 years.

It has been a busy year as we continue to deal with the sale of the Church of the Ascension site. Also, I have been on reduced duties since August 2022, and managing a busy job as well as getting over my accident and injuries has created some challenges. I am pleased to report despite that, we are experiencing consistent growth and attendance at parish events. We are a couple of years’ post COVID and it appears that we as a parish, have not experienced any lasting effects of the pandemic. I do acknowledge that there are some still suffering from the virus with its ongoing presence in the world. Let’s hope and pray that we are nearing the end of this most significant dark spot in our lives.

Parish Leadership

I once again acknowledge the ministry of the Wardens Allan Stack (P) and Alistair McKerchar (V). They have been a source of constant counsel and have represented the needs of the parish with intelligence, fortitude, common sense, love and commitment. We are very fortunate to have them amongst us.

Viki Brinkman and Alistair McKerchar have now completed their 3-year term as Synod representatives, and we will be appointing new reps at the AGM this year. Please contact me if you are interested in taking on the important responsibility. Synod representatives hold a place on vestry throughout the term of their appointment. We thank Alistair and Viki for their attendance as Synod members.

Janet Christie-Anderson, Norman Tolra and Hayley Wylie were elected to make up the full vestry. Once again we co-opted Pat Owen to our number. We felt it important to have Pat’s presence due to her being the parish treasurer.

Hayley is the manager of our premises. She liaises with users of our premises and checks on the state of cleanliness following hire. Thanks for your work Hayley and your willingness to work with both hall users and administrators.

There is ample opportunity for any parishioner to join the management team of the parish. I urge anyone who is interested in joining the vestry, to stand for election. As the Vicar, it is my responsibility to work with this important committee. Decisions of the vestry are those of the parish and I am very aware that the Vicar is a visitor in your midst. This is your parish and my job is to lead, to empower, to encourage and enable Christ to be found in our midst.

Vestry meetings this past year were held on the third Monday at 7pm. More latterly we have met for dinner at 6pm which has been great. The new vestry will select the best meeting time.

Worship has taken on a new look with the addition of a screen in the church. We are still coming to terms with this new initiative, but I am pleased to report it is working well, albeit with some minor “tweaks” and adjustments. While a weekly service sheet is still produced, the information is now about initiatives and new opportunities amongst us. The service information is no longer in this document.

I thank the Liturgists and service leaders and assistants for making the move so well. The refurbished space has provided some now opportunities and changes, and I thank everyone for responding to these new experiences.

I also thank the morning tea people for their provision each week. I am often surprised at how well presented and professional the morning teas are.

Thanks also to Moya Caird and Pauline Smith for their work in assisting us with Crucifer duties.

Twinkle tots

This is a support program operated by the parish for preschoolers during term time. Suzanne Stewart is the main organiser. Several parishioners assist her on a roster basis. Thank you, Suzanne, for your support and commitment.


Our responsibilities have been made easier this year with the move to one site. We thank Jill Straker, Bernie Bright, Allan and Judy Stack and Alistair McKerchar and some other local identities who assist during the year. In November, Jill Straker organised a parish gardening morning and this was well attended as we got our grounds in order for the move to St Mary’s. The gardens and the grounds are a testament to our gardener’s skill and hard work. Thank you for your ongoing attention.

Parish Leadership

Looking back over past years, I noted in my 2019 report that the parish is missing the following “essentials” of ministry resources.

• secretarial support

• internet

• office

• telephone

• no computer.

It seems that little has bene done in the past 5 years to create a parish office. However, this has not hindered us in any way and we remain a viable and committed ministry unit. I hope that now we are settled in one place with the major land issues nearly completed, we might establish ourselves a permanent base which might create the focal point of our ministry.

New Premises purchases

During the year, the parish purchased 2 properties to add to our investment portfolio. One was a 4-bedroom house and the second a two-bedroom unit in the neighbourng development. We have named the 4-bedroom dwelling Ascension House and the smaller one Hawkins House. Later, plaques will be added to these premises to record this naming.

Ross Anderson was appointed the Property Manager and he is doing an admirable job on our behalf. Ross is organised and attends to his duties punctually, hee reports monthly to vestry with clear and concise information on how the management of both premises is continuing. The Vicarage in Mt Pleasant remains with the diocesan appointed property person.

It was great to visit each of the new premises in the development beside the Church and to bless them prior to the new owners taking over.

Looking back

I reported that in 2019 there were:

• no record of past liturgies and services

• The parish role was up to date, but there was no pastoral information

• There were records pertaining to visiting schedules

• There were no musical records.

I am pleased to report that over the past 5 years, these deficiencies have now been addressed and we now have up-to-date records of the life and journey of the parish activities and responsibilities.

My report of 2019 also reported that

• There was a person appointed to complete the roster, Liz Chapman. I thank her most warmly for her dedication and assistance. (Liz remains dedicated to this important ministry and we thank her for her “often overlooked” ministry. This is one of the duties so important to the successful ministry of a parish.)

• Janet Christie Anderson takes the lead in music. (Janet is still the lead musician. Sheelagh Wood very competently deputises for Janet and Suzanne Stewart is still available to assist in emergencies.) Janet’s attendance to duty as our parish organist has been greatly appreciated by us all. Janet assists me with the music selections and is always willing to take on new musical responsibilities. She continually updates our service music and hunts for new music to make our worship modern and lively. This is a huge commitment and I thank her for her wise counsel, her willingness to assist where she can and her passion and energy for the parish especially in the area of music.

• The Two Wardens (Allan Stack appointed in 2018) and Alistair McKerchar (appointed so long ago, records were not kept) have made a significant contribution amongst us. (I am pleased to report that their ministries continue today and their huge commitment to the parish will leave an indelible mark on the parish for many years to come.)

So, what has the Vicar done over the past 12 months.

• 132 pastoral visits

• Travelled 2150 km on pastoral duties (not counting travel from home to the parish.)

• Presided over 77 parish services

• Attended 7 Wardens meetings prior to Vestry meetings

• Attended the 10 Vestry meetings during the year

• Produced 57 service sheets

• 1 ANZAC Community service

• 3 weddings

• 13 funerals

• 5 hospital and 13 rest home visits.

• Attended 3 AAW meetings. (Pat Owen is the Parish AAW President and is to be commended for her hard work and enthusiasm)

In addition

• Attended 5 liturgist’s meetings. (These have been chaired by Vanda McKerchar who lead the worship committee. Vanda is very dedicated to this responsibility and is always willing to assist and fill in gaps. Thanks for your leadership of this important committee, Vanda.)

• Ran a Lenten and Advent study program, ably assisted by Sheelagh Wood

• produced 52 weekly parishioner updates (which began in October)

• Hosted 2 study courses, one in Advent, the second in Lent.

• Attended 14 weekly Thursday night get together at the Valley Inn

• Forged relationships with local community leaders and associations.

• Attended the three-day Clergy Conference,

• Attended The 1 day Diocesan Synod.

• Attended 4 Christmas tree projects cleanups

• Attended 5 of the 8 Archdeaconry meetings.

• Hosted a parish Christmas function at our home

• Organised 39 and attended 36 of the weekly Tuesday Coffee mornings. (Jill Straker has taken over this responsibility from 2022)

• Organised and attended 21 of the 32 Smiling Cyclist events during the year.

• Update the web site on 321 occasions and met with the webmaster twice to make significant alterations to the site to keep it modern.

• Produced 6 articles for local newspapers

• Attended 19 Wednesday morning teas on Wednesday at the Heathcote Community Centre.

• Met with the Chair of the Heathcote Valley Community project on several occasions

The keen observer will note that this is a reduction of outcomes over recent years, however, as I have been on an 80% restriction, can report that I have done my best to meet parish needs. This is not an extensive list but rather an example of the varied and busy life of a Vicar in a suburban parish.

The Move

In November, we moved to the Church of St Mary, our last service at the Church of the Ascension being on 12 November. The Bishop joined us to secularise the complex and the grounds. A great service of celebration was held and enjoyed by all.

Prior to our move, a great deal of work had been completed at St Mary’s with the interior of the church refurbished. This involved re-wiring, new heaters, new lighting, relocation of the organ, installation of a TV, relocation of the font, flooring repairs, painting and restoration of the whole space, carpet changes and flooring resurfaced. Allan Stack managed this project and we are indebted to him for his hard work, attention and advice.

The pews were removed for storage and sadly, the light of day revealed their poor state. Most were not able to be returned to the Church. We have made do with temporary seating and soon, new pews will be provided. Several parishioners donated money for the chairs and we thank those generous people for their contribution. About half of the money to replace the chairs has been donated and there is still time to assist financially.

Several ash remains have been interred around the Church of the Ascension. The most significant being John Laidlaw’s sister and brother-in-law. These will be relocated to the Memorial garden at the Church of St Mary when the gardens have been fully established. Marianne Browne’s seat will also be moved to sit near the newly formed gardens. Other remains have been left to their descendants to organise removal. We have made a place in the Memorial Garden should they wish to move them to this space.

The font at St Mary’s had been damaged at some time during its life. We discovered this when we moved it for the flooring upgrade. Some strong men from the Aikado Group ably assisted me in relocating the Church of the Ascension font to St Mary’s. The old font will be placed in the memorial garden.

Land Issues

Janet Christie-Anderson has worked tirelessly on the sale project in Mt Pleasant. The Wardens and I join her to form a small but important project team. Janet has committed herself on our behalf and her attention to duty is admirable. I thank the Wardens and Janet for their fine work on what has become a very time consuming and difficult project; much more than we envisioned in the early days. Janet has been reporting to worship services and the web site regularly with the latest information updates.

Christmas Trees

We had a significant turnout to purchase Christmas Trees this year. Thanks once again to the Stack’s for their hard work in not only organising the project, but for managing the various tasks required to complete the project.

Strategic Plan

Clive Straker, Vanda Mckerchar and I worked to update our P-MAP for the year. In April we will meet again to once again update it for 2024. Thanks to this project team for their efforts and enthusiasm.

The strategic Plan is on the Web site, so please contact me if you wish to comment upon any improvement or alterations that you think should be added.


I urge us all to review our generosity in almsgiving each year. Please contact your bank to review your annual donations to assist the financial management of the parish. This is the main form of parish income. Please consider joining the direct credit scheme of bank to bank transfer of your regular donations if not already completed. Pat Owen is available to assist you with this.

We thank Pauline Smith for her support as the parish recorder. She has now completed her first 12 months in the job and has managed her responsibility seamlessly. Thanks Pauline.


The Vestry Committee members have served us well. Everyone have committed themselves to this special ministry with care and discernment. I thank them for their ministry amongst us.

Vanda McKerchar has done a sterling job organising the Liturgists and arranging regular meetings. This has helped our worship and ensured that liturgy is conducted with great reverence. Thanks for your hard work and attention, Vanda

Jill Straker has arranged the Café Crawls during the yea and handled all enquiries regarding this group. We have had some great mornings and visited great cafe’s throughout the year. Jill and Clive also organise a walking group on Friday mornings. This is not a parish group, however it is open to parishioners and many attend the walks. Thanks Jill and Clive for your great organising ability, and your work amongst us.

Viki Brinkman looks after the swimmers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and is the most regular swimmer of the parish. Viki also makes us welcome in her home on occasions throughout the year for Coffee mornings. Well done Viki, and thanks for your huge faith, your great generosity to the parish and your willingness to assist whenever you can.

I especially thank the Wardens for their ministry amongst us this year. Both have indicated their willingness to continue in these roles. Their tireless attention to their duties is appreciated by us all, especially me as the one who you are required to work with. I have enjoyed working with Allan and Alistair and the strong support you continually provide to ensure this small part of Christ’s Kingdom remains vibrant and alive.


Being a Vicar is a privilege and I am always very aware of the responsibility that you place in me. I don't claim to be everyone’s “cup of tea” but I always try to respond to the ministry needs of each of you in a timely manner. Thank you for forgiving my spelling errors when I omit to spell check my correspondence and for the mistakes I make each week in the newsletters and service sheets. I am not a good secretary and as Pat Owen will confirm I am not good at keeping office deadlines. I will try to do better next year but I can’t commit to perfection in this area!

I would once again (as I did have done each year) challenge everyone to introduce just one new parishioner to the parish in the coming year. This would double our parish roll!

Several of our record books from the Church of the Ascension have been removed. These belong to the Bishop and to put it crudely, he wants them back. Please check your homes that you have not accidentally removed these historic records that record the ministry and life of the parish at the Church of the Ascension. If anyone knows where they are, could you please contact the Wardens as they are of no use to anyone.

We have several nominations for new vestry and parish positions. I wish all those who stand, best wishes for the elections.

Thanks for your support of the parish and the community. We look forward to a good and exciting year. Let’s do more in ’24!

The Reverend Fr Mark Sullivan




Wardens’ Report

We’re pleased to present our report for the last year.

It’s good to report that the Vicar has made a remarkable recovery from his near-fatal accident in August 2022. At the end of 2023 his ACC coverage terminated and he resumed full-time duties with his characteristic energy. We can all be thankful for this and, incidentally, to the help for the parish finances provided by the ACC coverage.

Over the year, the Vestry moved ahead with the plan to dispose of the properties on Major Hornbrook Rd and consolidate the parish activity at Heathcote. Sunday services continued to alternate between the Church of the Ascension at Mt Pleasant and the Church of St Mary at Heathcote until August. They continued weekly at Mt Pleasant until November 12 when the church was secularised by Bishop Peter. Over this period, at the Heathcote church the old pews were disposed of, the building rewired, new lights installed, radiant heaters replaced by a heat pump, the floors sanded and polished, the wall oiled, the Vestry painted, the hedge around the property and rubbish removed. Services resumed at Heathcote on November 19, with the liturgy and hymns projected on a TV screen. The renovated interior is very pleasing and met with wide approval.

The weekly services normally involve one of the team of liturgists. The numbers attending Sunday services over 2023 averaged 28, compared with 26 in 2022.

Some difficulties encountered with the titles for the Mt Pleasant properties have delayed the sale process, but these were finally resolved in early 2024.On behalf of the Vestry, Janet Christie-Anderson is leading a small working group comprising the Vicar and Wardens to manage the sale process. Christopher Graham of Harcourts will be managing the marketing of the property.

The Truscotts Rd housing development on land sold by the parish opened during the year. With funds from the land sale and a loan from the CPT, the parish has bought two units which are tenanted. These are being managed by Mr Ross Anderson, a parish member. The resulting income stream is contributing to the parish finances.

Over the last few years, we have had excellent tenants at the Mt Pleasant Vicarage and the rental has assisted with our finances. This will cease when the property is marketed in March 2024.

The generosity of parishioners, the rental incomes and the Vicar receiving an ACC allowance after his accident have enabled us to avoid excessive drawing down on endowment funds. We are continually grateful to our Treasurer, Mrs Pat Owen, for her diligent oversight of the parish finances.

Christmas tree sales at Heathcote at the end of the year provided a short-term boost to income. We anticipate that this tree growing activity will continue on land on the north side of the Church of St Mary.

Many folk, both in the parish and in the wider community, contribute to the successful running of the parish; at Heathcote, John Beardsley and Bill Morlock assist with lawn mowing; Jill Straker and Bernie Bright give attention to the gardens.

There remains much to do, particularly in regards to setting up a parish office with modern computing and internet access.

We look forward to a year in our life of faith together, and seeing the church community grow and develop. An encouraging development is the introduction of a Sunday School component, initially on a monthly basis, as is the aspiration to set up house groups.

Allan Stack (People’s Warden)

Alistair McKerchar (Vicar’s Warden)


Church of the Ascension Sale Report

We have been thwarted in our attempts to sell the land due to what is called a “corrupt title”. In layman’s terms, this refers to the title not being clear. In our situation, the Parish Centre has been built over the Vicarage boundary. Ordinarily this would not be an issue as we own both Titles. The problem is created when we come to sell one or other of the premises.

The only way to resolve the issue was to have the sites re-surveyed. This was completed in October, however by the end of December, we were still awaiting advice from the Council. This should be through at any time.

In October, we met with a Land Agent from Ray White who presented a bid for us to use her services to sell the property. We had a similar bid from Harcourts. After some deliberation, we selected the Harcourts bid and Christopher graham has been appointed as our sales agent.

Selling a church property is not an easy task. While the parish has the right to use the premises and controls the maintenance and upkeep, the Building is owned by a Diocesan entity known as the Church Property Trustees. In reality, they make all the decisions, however are swayed by the requests from the parish and the decisions of the parishioners agreed at general meetings of the parish.

CPT will only make a decision once the proposal from the parish has been ratified by the Vicar, the Archdeacon, the Bishop and the Diocesan Standing Committee.

We have been fortunate in all our proposals, as not one has been denied. The Vestry empowered a committee consisting of the Vicar, Wardens and myself to lead the process. This has required us all to meet regularly with the CPT staff for advice, counsel and fact finding. All of us have spent many hours in their offices discussing processes and understanding the methods of ensuring an efficient transfer of information and responsibilities.

I am confident that as we move into the autumn of 2024, the sale processes will begin. We have a great deal of work to do before we can achieve that and I thank all who have assisted us in this special project, for their hard work and assistance.

Janet Christie-Anderson

Sale Convener


Treasurers Report

2023 - The Annual Performance Report for the year ended 31 December 2023 cannot be presented at the 2024 AGM. It will be presented at a Special Parish Meeting. Receipts for work and items purchased for St Mary's still have to be received and then reimbursed. Until they are received it is pointless presenting an incomplete Report.

1. Two units were purchased partly from the sale of St Mary's land.

2. Prepare Church of the Ascension complex for sale.

3. Rewire St Mary's Church, stain walls etc, new heater and lampshades.

4. The above have been partly financed through investments with Church Property Trustees (CPT) being cashed in, parish funds used, and bridging finance obtained through CPT.

5. Upon the sale of CoA complex, (on market in March) any outstanding monies will be paid. Decisions then will be made about the remaining monies.

The aim has always been to secure a fulltime Clergy stipend for the parish and to grow God's kingdom. We have to stop living from hand to mouth if the parish is to grow. It is not easy, and many, many hours are spent on financial matters even though we are a small parish.

For the Givers, give thanks. For the Wardens, give thanks, for the Vicar who has no office, no internet, but who has got the parishioners doing all manner of things around the place, give the man a 'thankyou', for the parishioners who make it all worth while, give thanks. We have such a wonderful Lord, whose praises we sing daily.

Patricia Owen



AAW Report

We had a great 2023 – lots of chatting, listening, growing and being happy to be called AAW members. Hearing God's word. Giving food to Aranui Food Bank, the Cathedral rebuild and others. 19 members, though generally 15-16 attended. This is a welcoming caring group.

Patricia Owen



Twinkle Tots Report

Suzanne does a great job, emailing, advertising, speaking to Mums in supermarkets etc – encouraging them to bring babies to two or three year olds to listen to music and join in on Friday mornings. She's a Presbyterian, but loves being a part of the Anglicans.

Patricia Owen

(On behalf of Suzanne Stewart)


Nomination form

Parish of Heathcote/Mt Pleasant

We nominate:

Proposed Candidate __________________________________


Synod / Peoples Warden / Vestry (Strike out the positions not applicable)

Nominator: __________________________________

Seconder: __________________________________


Candidate: __________________________________


Minutes of the Vestry Meeting 15 February 2023 held in the Parish Centre of the Church of the Ascension Parish Centre at 7pm

Present: Vicar, Alistair McKerchar, Janet Christie-Anderson, Vanda McKerchar

Apologies: Allan Stack, Hayley Wylie, Pat Owen, Viki Brinkman

1 The Vicar opened the meeting in prayer

2 Vicar’s Report

• The Vicar spoke to his paper on the formation of a radio station for the parish. His reasons were to offer a community facing FM station that could be adapted to include different parts of the community, (eg) business community, educational community and a community notice-board. As well, the Station would allow the broadcasting of services, worship information and church activities in the parish area. The initiative was tabled for further consideration.

• The Vicar wishes to appoint 2 Planning groups. One from within the parish to manage the transfer from CoA to St Mary’s and the other one to engage with the local community to determine where we might best place our resources. The second committee will be made up of local community peoples and the Vicar is to set the objectives with the Wardens.

• AGM. Committee reports to be with the Vicar by 4 March for collating and distribution. Nomination close on 12 March

Moved that the Vicars report be accepted. Agreed

3 Wardens Report

• Alastair McKerchar has compiled the annual stats and forwarded to the Diocese.

Average worship attendance 30

Giving list 23

Parish Roll 70

• Ross Anderson and Alistair McKerchar has cleared the hedge at St Mary’s to give access to the footpath. These chaps are maintaining the CoA site

• Alastair attended the Wardens Zoom meeting on 7 February

• Vicar was appointed the parish safety officer

• Storm-water drainage issue at CoA has been identified. This is currently being investigated and work is continuing.

Moved that the Warden’s report be accepted. Agreed

4 Mt Pleasant Sale

• Surveyor has sent information to the Council. No further work completed

5 Minutes of the Previous meeting

Moved that they be accepted as a true and correct record of that meeting. Agreed

6 Matters arising from the minutes

• Vicar to write to Jill Straker re the successful Christmas pageant

7 Finance Report

Moved that the monthly report be accepted. Agreed

Moved that accounts be passed for payment. Agreed

8 General Business

• Dates and times of next year’s meetings be determined by the new vestry

• Janet Christie Anderson appointed as the Parish Life Co-Coordinator

9 Meeting Closed with the Grace at 2000hrs

Minutes of the Vestry Meeting 27 March 2023 held in the Parish Lounge of the Church of St Mary, Heathcote at 7pm

Present: Vicar, Alistair McKerchar, Janet Christie-Anderson, Vanda McKerchar, Pat Owen, Viki Brinkman, (by Video link for item 5) Allan Stack

Apologies: Hayley Wylie,

1: The Vicar opened the meeting in prayer

2: Wardens’ Report

• The Diocesan manager has scheduled a Wardens Training and Networking session on 4 April to outline the Diocese and the Church Property Trustees.

• P. Owen in an email raised the issue of liability for damage when a parish lounge is let out. Warden to see if P. Murray has previous terms of letting.

• Email from Liam O’Donoghue (Aikido) seeking a catch-up meeting to review future plans. Suggested meeting time is Friday at 9 am and the Vicar agreed to attend.

• Received an email from Ross Seager of the Diocese advising of community science talks on a major earthquake due to the alpine fault movement. This is a major risk for the Diocese because few churches now have natural disaster insurance coverage. Details at

• Diocese declaration form was circulated and signed by those present.

Moved: that the Warden’s report be accepted. Agreed

3: Future initiatives

Each Vestry member outlined their suggestions for expanding the role of the church within the local communities. The Vicar indicated that he would prepare a summary of the suggestions and this is included as an addendum to these minutes.

4: Vicar’s report

• Christine Kirkland is resigning from the role of Parish Recorder (after 27 years) and Pauline Smith has agreed to take up this responsibility. Chris’s long service needs to be acknowledged. And also the Laidlaw’s work on the Mt Pleasant property.

Moved: That we accept Pauline Smith’s offer to take on the role of Parish Recorder Agreed

Moved: that we explore with Christine and the Laidlaws presenting them with gifts as tokens of appreciation. Agreed

Janet generously offered to host a social function to make presentations to them. Suggested date is Friday 28 April.

• Mark expressed his dismay that in the recent media coverage of the opening of the stabilized cathedral: it was local politicians, rather than the bishop and clergy, who featured in media reports. He proposed sending a letter to the bishop.

5: Minutes of Vestry meeting 15 Feb 2023

Moved: that the minutes of the Vestry meeting on 15 February be approved as a true and correct record. Agreed

6: Minutes of Parish Annual General Meeting, 19 March 2023

Moved: that the minutes of the AGM on 19 March 2023 be approved as a true and correct record. Agreed

No matters arising

7 Finance Report

Pat noted that the CPT’s Balanced Growth fund had reported a loss of about $20,000 on the parish’s investments.

Moved: that the accounts be approved for payment. Agreed

Pat has circulated the 2023 budget. Individual Vestry members need to signal their approval to her as soon as possible.

8: General Business

Janet noted that the location of the stormwater drain, necessary for the surveying work at Mt Pleasant, is progressing.

9: Next meeting: 7 pm on Monday 17 April at Church of St Mary.

10: Meeting closed with the Grace at 2030 hrs


Minutes of the Vestry Meeting 17 April 2023 held in the Parish Lounge of the Church of the Ascension, Mt Pleasant at 7pm

Present: Vicar, Alistair McKerchar, Janet Christie-Anderson, Vanda McKerchar, Pat Owen, Viki Brinkman, Hayley Wylie, Norman Tolra, (by Video link) Allan Stack

1: The Vicar opened the meeting in prayer

2: Motion for the use of funds

Moved: that Standing Committee and Church Property Trustees be asked to approve the use of Church of Ascension Insurance Surplus Allocation funds to meet the cost of preparing the Church of the Ascension site for sale and associated sales and marketing costs.


An explanation was given to the background to this motion.

3: Finance

Moved: that the Wardens are empowered to approve monthly payments of expected operational expenses until ratified by the Vestry Committee at it subsequent meeting. (This is to ensure that planned payments are made on time.)


4: Wardens’ Report

• The Diocesan manager has scheduled a series of Wardens Training and Networking sessions. The next is on 6 June at 7 pm on “Vestry Meetings”.

• The Vicarage lease is ending on 17 April. Harcourts agent (Claire Farrelly) will be undertaking an inspection on 18 April and a arranging a Healthy Homes inspection. She is advertising it for periodic rental at $660 per week.

• Charities Commission annual returns submitted.

• Hayley confirmed that an agreement is signed by parties using the church lounges.

5: Minutes of Vestry meeting 15 Feb 2023

Moved: that the minutes of the Vestry meeting on 15 February be approved as a true and correct record.


6 Matters arising from the previous meeting

• Strategic plan review: A review subcommittee is comprise the Vicar, Norman Tolra, Vanda McKerchar and Clive Straker (if agreeable). There followed a discussion about goal setting and the paper by Revd Mark Chamberlain (dated 10 March 2023) was circulated and referred to.

• Planning for the Coronation Event at 5.30 pm on 6 May is underway.

• Parish recorder: Pauline Smith is taking up this role, with guidance from Chris Kirkland.

• Events to acknowledge the contributions by the Laidlaws and Chris Kirkland:

- For Chris Kirkland: Vicar is arranging flowers from Aromaunga for presentation next Sunday.

- For the Laidlaws: A function at Janet’s home on Friday 28 April, 5.30-7.30 pm for Vestry and partners.

• Property matters.

- Signoff on the Truscotts Rd purchase is anticipated on 12 June. It is expected to be available for rental by the last week of June.

- Mt Pleasant property: work is progressing.

- There is a concern about the stability of Mortons Lane due to construction of a driveway on a new house below the church.

• Vicar didn’t send letter to Bishop due to Dean’s resignation.

7: Next meeting: 6 pm on Monday 15 May at Church of St Mary.

Meeting closed with the Grace at 2010 hrs

Signed as a true and correct record of that meeting


Minutes of the Vestry Meeting 15 May 2023 held in the Church of St Mary, Heathcote at 6 pm

Present: Vicar, Alistair McKerchar, Janet Christie-Anderson, Vanda McKerchar, Viki Brinkman, Hayley Wylie, Norman Tolra, Allan Stack

1 & 2: The Vicar welcomed those present and opened the meeting in prayer

3: Apology

Pat Owen

4: No agenda items without notification

5: Mt Pleasant land sale

5.1: Remedial work at Church of St Mary (CSM): Janet outlined plans for renovating the layout of this church as per the Appendix.

5.2: Boundary adjustment for lots at Mt Pleasant: this is proceeding with the plan at the CCC for approval. It then has to go to the Land Transfer Court. Two progress payments have been made. Work to date to be forwarded to CPT, (attn Celia Quinnell).

5.3: Budget for work at CSM: the first step is to prepare briefs of work to undertake the tasks listed in below as “Appendix 2: Transition to St Marys”. The Vicar is to prepare a document of briefs for comparative quotes.

Moved: that the document “Transition to St Marys” be adopted.


6: Purchase of property at Heathcote

The developer (Lee Sampson) is offering the parish the opportunity to purchase a 4 bedroom unit in the Truscotts Rd development priced at $850k - $875k. The CPT is prepared to make available bridging finance for this purchase if the parish can provide a 20% deposit.It will need a comparative valuation. This purchase would be covered by the sale of the vicarage at Mt Pleasant. An inspection of the unit is to be arranged for Monday evening 22 May at 6 pm. The Vicar is to write to the Bishop applying for bridging finance.

Moved: that the parish purchase a 4 bedroom unit in the Truscotts Rd development.


7: Approval of Strategic Plan

Moved: that the precirculated Strategic Plan be adopted


The Vicar thanked Vanda McKerchar, Norman Tolra and Clive Straker for their work in updating this document.

8: General business

• “Right Royal Occasion” arranged by Janet on Coronation Day was a great success. Thanks were tendered to Janet & Judy Stack.

• A questionnaire prepared by Vanda & Jill Straker has been distributed. Responses are sought by the Sunday 11 June.

• The final service at the Church of the Ascension will be on Sunday 12 November. Bishop Peter will be attending. We discussed holding a social occasion to mark the closing.

• Disposal of church equipment: this item was deferred.

• Liturgy arrangements: future plans are for four family services a year. Norman Tolra will assist the Vicar on planning services. There will be reference to the Liturgy Committee for further input.

9: Minutes of Vestry meeting 17 April 2023

Moved: that the minutes of the Vestry meeting on 17 April be approved as a true and correct record.


10: Finance

There was no schedule of payments as it was too early in the month. The Wardens will see details when they become available.

11 Matters arising from the previous meeting

A glazier will be replacing a cracked pane of glass that held a cat door at the Vicarage and advising on fixing window seals where there are draughts.

12: Correspondence


13: Next meeting: 6 pm on Monday 19 June at COA.

The Vicar noted the considerable amount of work completed during the meeting. He thanked everyone for their preparations before the meeting and the good discussions that led to us making important strategic decisions.

Meeting closed with the Grace at 1940 hrs


Signed as a true and correct record of that meeting

Chair Date

Appendix 1: Vestry absences

Late in the year, Vestry members will be absent as follows:

A. Stack 4 July – 6 Aug.

V. Brinkman 25 June – 5 Aug.

V. & A. McKerchar 29 Jul – 6 Aug, 13 Aug – 12 Oct.

J. Christie-Anderson 7 Oct – 8 Nov.

Appendix 2: Transition to St Marys

Following the request of the Vestry, the Vicar, Janet Christie-Anderson and Judy Stack met to consider how we might upgrade thee St Mary’s site for the move. Following this, we make the following recommendations.

Church Maintenance

• Stain the interior of the church

• Paint the sanctuary

• Stain or consider paint for the Vestry to lighten it

• Sand and polyurethane the floors

• Rewire the building, remove heaters and install second heat pump

• Install cabling necessary for internet/livestreaming etc and permanent sound system wiring

• Create a ramp or better step access into church and replace rails along the path

Reconfiguration of church following maintenance

• Shift current altar to the back wall of the sanctuary to be high altar, install altar from CoA in front of sanctuary to be used for worship

• Remove at least one row of pews from front of church to allow room at the front

• Remove all pews on both sides of church from the entrance door back. Replace with chairs so a flexible space at the back is created and build a discreet storage for chairs across the back so when not required the space can be used.

• Turn the organ 90 degrees to face the front and shift to where the sound system is currently

• Shift the pulpit to where the organ and rostrum are currently

• Install a second heat pump at the rear of the church

• Install 2 TV screens on either side of the transepts, these to be on flexible arms so can be stored out of sight if not in use

• Install a small monitor near the organ so person presiding has view of screen

• Shift Baptistry to NW corner of church away from entrance and adjust carpet to suit

• Shift organ speakers to the rear of church or run organ through the smaller speakers already in place

• Replace crochet squabs

• Donate ensign back to TSS Cornwall sea cadets

• Replace desk in vestry with smaller one, install a wardrobe for vestments, install a purpose built shelf/cupboard for sacrament requirements. Remove unwanted shelf

Hall Maintenance

• Build partition wall in Centennial Room to create office space. Build shelving, cupboards etc to house IT equipment for internet, printer, copier etc

• Paint Centennial room, kitchen and toilets

• Current office for use as chair storage

• Replace or cover soundproofing panels

• Shift sound system from Aikido area into office or sell if not required

• All cupboards to be cleared for parish use

Following Maintenance

• Decide if building is fit for purpose for all regular users – Guides?

• Transfer some kitchen equipment from CoA (JCA & JS will purge the current kitchen on May 08 in readiness)


• Remove the hedge

• Remove rotten trees and camellias impeding view of the church.

• Evaluate signage and update

• Install floodlighting for the church and signage

Minutes of the special Vestry Meeting 4 June 2023 held in the Church of St Mary, Heathcote at 11.15 am

Present: Vicar, Alistair McKerchar, Janet Christie-Anderson, Vanda McKerchar, Pat Owen, Viki Brinkman, Allan Stack

Apology: Norman Tolra

Rental of the new property in the Truscotts Rd development

Allan Stack explained that he had assessed rental rates for properties in the Heathcote area from review of Trade Me advertisements and other sources and that rentals for 2-bedroom units were in the range $460 - $480 per week. The Harcourts agent had reviewed the property and suggested up to $520 per week.

There was discussion.


Moved: that we set a rental of $485 for a 12 month term. Agreed

The meeting then considered using an independent person as the Property Manager, with the 7% management fee being aggregated into a separate account. This would be subject to the approval of the CPT.

Allan is to prepare a plan of how we might proceed on managing our own properties. This will be circulated for Vestry to consider at the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 11.30 am.


VESTRY: Rev Mark Sullivan, Alistair McKerchar, (VW) Allan Stack (PW), Patricia Owen (Treasurer), Janet-Christie Anderson, Hayley Wylie, Norman Tolra, Vanda McKerchar, Viki Brinkman


The following is requested for clarity.


That we open a new account specifically for the purposes of property management. This account to be called “Heathcote/Mt Pleasant Property Account”

Signatories: Pat Owen

Allan Stack

Alistair McKerchar

Ross Anderson

Motion 2:

That the St Mary’s Building Fund account be renamed “The Village Hall Account”

Signatories: Pat Owen

Janet Christi Anderson

Judy Stack

Motion 3:

That Parish account signatories be changed to:

Pat Owen

Judy Stack

Alistair McKerchar

Janet Christie-Anderson

Agenda for the Special vestry meeting on

Sunday 6 August at 11am held in the Church of St Mary


Heathcote-Mt Pleasant Aglican Parish, Account 03 1599 0014277-00

Business Online

Removal User Entitlements - Authorisers: Elizabeth Denniston (deceased) and Christine Kirkland.

Add Authoriser Janet-Christie Anderson,

63 Te Awakura Tce, Mt Pleasant 8081

To Stay as is: Administration/Authoriser Rights: Patricia Owen and Judy Stack.



To update Westpac records, Patricia Owen, Judy Stack and Janet-Christie Anderson are required to provide current driving licence with photo I.D or current Passport, together with recent document in person's name showing home address, e.g. bank statement, rates.

Note: Allan Stack and Alistair McKerchar, Patricia Owen have siging rights for documents. Please update records with Westpac.

Date: Signed


VESTRY: Rev Mark Sullivan, Alistair McKerchar, (VW) Allan Stack (PW), Patricia Owen (Treasurer), Janet-Christie Anderson, Hayley Wylie, Norman Tolra, Vanda McKerchar, Viki Brinkman



That Heathcote-Mt Pleasant Aglican Parish, open a new account in the same name but with addition: rental property management added, i.e.

Heathcote-Mt Pleasant Aglican Parish Rental Property Management

Business Online

Administration/Authoriser Rights: Patricia Owen

Add Authoriser Ross Anderson, 63 Te Awakura Tce, Mt Pleasant 8081



To update Westpac records, Patricia Owen, Judy Stack and Ross Anderson are required to provide current driving licence with photo I.D or current Passport, together with recent document in person's name showing home address, e.g. bank statement, rates.

Date: Signed:


VESTRY: Rev Mark Sullivan, Alistair McKerchar, (VW) Allan Stack (PW), Patricia Owen (Treasurer), Janet-Christie Anderson, Hayley Wylie, Norman Tolra, Vanda McKerchar, Viki Brinkman



That account be opened with CPT called Heathcote-Mt Pleasant Rental Property Management

Authorisation: Treasurer and Ross Anderson, one of both Wardens.

That 10% of total rental income per month be transferred from Heathcote-Mt Pleasant Anglican Parish Account to the CPT account. Direct Debit to be organised.

Treasurer needs clarification about the 7% - see email from Vicar 25/7/23



going through Mark's email of 25/7/2023 1.54am to Pat, Wardens Vicar


new account to be opened with Westpac

Heathcote-Mt Pleasant Anglican Parish Rental Property Management

Treasurer, Patricia Owen

Property Manager, Ross Anderson

Administration/Authoriser Rights Patricia and Ross

2. from the new Property (Westpac) account a monthly direct payment will be made to CPT of 10% (worked out by Ross). This will need to be organised on Monday, 7 Aug when at bank.

3. A second monthly direct payment will be made to Parish Account – hopefully last working day of each month!

4. From the new Property (Westpack) account 7% will be transferred to CPT savings ------ needs clarification between No. 2 and 4 please.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Vestry on 27 September 2023, held at Allan Stack’s house at 7pm

The Vicar opened the meeting in prayer and thanked Allan for his hospitality


The Vicar, Allan Stack, Janet Christie-Anderson, Hayley Wylie, Viki Brinkman, Pat Owen and Norm Tolra



Alistair McKerchar and Vanda McKerchar

1 Mt Pleasant sale

Janet gave an update on the current sale situation.

• The Consent process will cost less than quoted and a refund will be deposited into our bank account.

• The Council has approved the boundary change and suggested 2 slight alterations that have been completed

• CPT are to send the paperwork to the Land Information Office for processing. This should take three weeks.

We thanked Janet for her work and attention.

2 St Mary’s issues

• We acknowledged the organisation and vision of Jill Straker and thanked her for her work.

• Will Parker has approached a contractor who will return with a machine and complete the work which requires earthmoving equipment.


That we approved the quote of $1900.00 for the completion of the garden project. Carried

• We discussed the need for chairs to replace the pew which are borer ridden and passed their best. Janet presented a quote for 50 new chairs for the church. Several parishioners visited St Faith’s Church to see an example of the chairs and supported them replacing the pews. Several vestry members are to meet to approve the colour of the fabric. It was noted that there is no facility to add a book holder. The hymn book will be altered to include the liturgy sheet.

• Parishioners will be invited to make a donation to assist in the purchase of the new chairs.


That we purchase 50 chairs for $8666.06 and the best of the pews be fitted into the remaining space. Carried

3 Minutes of he previous meeting

• The minutes of the July meeting were taken as read,


That the minutes of the July meeting be approved. Carried

• No matters arose from those minutes

4 Finance

• Pat presented her reports


That the Treasurers report be received. Carried


That accounts be passed for payment. Carried

• Pat has been discussing the parish investments with CPT staff. The vicar and wardens will meet with Pat for an update of available funds

5 Tenancy report

• Ross Anderson produced an annual budget for the rental properties and presented it for approval


That the rental budget be approved. Carried

• Ross presented his monthly report to the meeting


That the September rental report be received. Carried

• It is important that the vestry formally appoint someone to lead the Mt Pleasant sale process. CPT will be advised of the appointment.


That Janet be appointed the Mt Pleasant Sale Project Manager. Carried

6 Vicar’s update

• The vicar and wardens met with the bishop for an update on the sale process at Mt Pleasant.

• Name badges have been provided for parishioners

• The vicar requested the vestry consider whether we might adjust the vestry year to coincide with the parish financial year, January-December. This will be discussed later and a possible motion provided for the AGM

• The Vicar thanked Janet for filling in as Vicar’s Warden while Alistair was away

• Janet is taking a holiday in October. The vicar offered her and Ross our best wishes and all the best for her coming birthday

• The vicar congratulated Allan on his upcoming birthday

7 Mission

• Norman spoke about the need for us to embark upon a new mission initiative.

• The vicar will produce a mission plan for approval at the AGM. He will work with Norman on this plan.

• Having one church and mission base with the vicar in daily attendance will be advantageous to increase the Mission opportunities available to us.

• The vicar spoke about the parish providing an office for the community worker as part of our mission to the community

• A board will be made and placed on the pavement to advertise that the church is open.

8 Meeting closed

• The vicar closed the meeting at 9pm with grace. Our next meeting is 16 October in the Centennial Hall.


MMinutes of the Meeting of the Vestry on 27 September 2023, held at Allan Stack’s house at 7pm

The Vicar opened the meeting in prayer and thanked Allan for his hospitality


The Vicar, Allan Stack, Janet Christie-Anderson, Hayley Wylie, Viki Brinkman, Pat Owen and Norm Tolra



Alistair McKerchar and Vanda McKerchar

1 Mt Pleasant sale

Janet gave an update on the current sale situation.

• The Consent process will cost less than quoted and a refund will be deposited into our bank account.

• The Council has approved the boundary change and suggested 2 slight alterations that have been completed

• CPT are to send the paperwork to the Land Information Office for processing. This should take three weeks.

We thanked Janet for her work and attention.

2 St Mary’s issues

• We acknowledged the organisation and vision of Jill Straker and thanked her for her work.

• Will Parker has approached a contractor who will return with a machine and complete the work which requires earthmoving equipment.


That we approved the quote of $1900.00 for the completion of the garden project. Carried

• We discussed the need for chairs to replace the pew which are borer ridden and passed their best. Janet presented a quote for 50 new chairs for the church. Several parishioners visited St Faith’s Church to see an example of the chairs and supported them replacing the pews. Several vestry members are to meet to approve the colour of the fabric. It was noted that there is no facility to add a book holder. The hymn book will be altered to include the liturgy sheet.

• Parishioners will be invited to make a donation to assist in the purchase of the new chairs.


That we purchase 50 chairs for $8666.06 and the best of the pews be fitted into the remaining space. Carried

3 Minutes of he previous meeting

• The minutes of the July meeting were taken as read,


That the minutes of the July meeting be approved. Carried

• No matters arose from those minutes

4 Finance

• Pat presented her reports


That the Treasurers report be received. Carried


That accounts be passed for payment. Carried

• Pat has been discussing the parish investments with CPT staff. The vicar and wardens will meet with Pat for an update of available funds

5 Tenancy report

• Ross Anderson produced an annual budget for the rental properties and presented it for approval


That the rental budget be approved. Carried

• Ross presented his monthly report to the meeting


That the September rental report be received. Carried

• It is important that the vestry formally appoint someone to lead the Mt Pleasant sale process. CPT will be advised of the appointment.


That Janet be appointed the Mt Pleasant Sale Project Manager. Carried

6 Vicar’s update

• The vicar and wardens met with the bishop for an update on the sale process at Mt Pleasant.

• Name badges have been provided for parishioners

• The vicar requested the vestry consider whether we might adjust the vestry year to coincide with the parish financial year, January-December. This will be discussed later and a possible motion provided for the AGM

• The Vicar thanked Janet for filling in as Vicar’s Warden while Alistair was away

• Janet is taking a holiday in October. The vicar offered her and Ross our best wishes and all the best for her coming birthday

• The vicar congratulated Allan on his upcoming birthday

7 Mission

• Norman spoke about the need for us to embark upon a new mission initiative.

• The vicar will produce a mission plan for approval at the AGM. He will work with Norman on this plan.

• Having one church and mission base with the vicar in daily attendance will be advantageous to increase the Mission opportunities available to us.

• The vicar spoke about the parish providing an office for the community worker as part of our mission to the community

• A board will be made and placed on the pavement to advertise that the church is open.

8 Meeting closed

• The vicar closed the meeting at 9pm with grace. Our next meeting is 16 October in the Centennial Hall