The Church of St Mary, Heathcote
The Church of St Mary, Heathcote

From the Vicar

Welcome to our worship today. We especially thank Alastair, Janet, Sheelagh, Liz, Moya, and Viki for assisting us in our worship today. Sue Sully and Margaret have prepared morning tea for us, please join in the Centennial Centre for refreshments. Please join us for refreshments in the Centennial Centre. Thanks to the Stewart Family for our clean church.

It is good to be back amongst you today. I am still on reduced duties for another week.

The Vicar’s comments on today’s readings.

Isaiah 35:4-7a and Mark 7:24-37.

Both of today’s passage’s reveal God's profound commitment to renewal, both physically and spiritually. God invites us to see His work in transforming lives and communities.

In Isaiah we read of a prophetic promise of hope and restoration. It begins by addressing those with fearful hearts, encouraging them to trust in God's salvation. The passage vividly describes the transformation of the desert into fertile land, symbolizing a time when God's power will reverse the effects of sin and suffering. The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the lame will leap like deer, and the mute will sing for joy. This imagery points to the coming of the Messiah, who will bring about a life-changing experience, reflecting God’s intention to restore the fullness of life to His people.

In Mark we see the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy in Jesus’ ministry. Jesus healing shows his power over humanity and the conditions that befall us. Jesus has his power to heal and restore any worldly condition. Both miracles occur in Gentile regions, highlighting that God's salvation extends beyond the Israelites to all people. The healing of the deaf and mute man echoes Isaiah’s vision of restoration, as Jesus opens his ears and loosens his tongue, enabling him to communicate freely.

These passages remind us that God’s salvation is holistic, addressing both physical and spiritual needs. They challenge us to trust in God's power to heal and restore, even in seemingly hopeless situations. Furthermore, they invite us to recognize that God's grace transcends all boundaries, reaching out to everyone in need of His transformative touch. These readings encourage us to participate in God’s mission of restoration, bringing hope and healing to those around us.

Sue and I wish you a great week. Mark

Café Crawl Tuesdays @ 10.30am

We meet at local cafes every Tuesday morning. Friends and family are welcome. Please contact Jill Straker (02102928231) for further information.

10th Dot Com Sumner: 48 Mariner St Sumner

17th Silos Café: 66 Porthills Rd.

24th Dana café: (across from Library) 42 London St Lytt.

Swim Group

Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings from 8am at Aquagym. Please contact Viki for further information (

Dinner in the Valley

We meet for an informal dinner at the Valley Inn. From 6pm on Thursdays.

Smiling Cyclists

We meet this Thursday at 8:45 at the Church of St Mary. We are riding to College House for a catered morning tea. Come along and see Ross Anderson’s new bike.

Friday Walking Group

The group meets at the entrance to the Maltworks Villas at 9am on Fridays.


Please add to your prayers Jill McLeod, the Fitzgerald, Williams, Seale, Parker, Brown, Cumming, Chapman, Browne, Georgieff, Brine and Penney families.

Dessert Evening 7pm, Sunday 29 September

This monthly winter activity is held on the last Sunday of the month at Janet’s home, 63 Te Awakura Tce. Please join us. Your desert entry will be judged and a prize given by a guest dessert inspector. We hope you will join us and our celebrity judge.

Regular giving

To organise online giving, please contact your bank and provide the following information.

Heathcote-Mt Pleasant Anglican Parish

Westpac Bank 03-1599-0014277-00. (Please use the reference “202” and record your name for ease of accounting.)

People’s Warden

The Vicar has invited Vanda to lead a group to consider this important role for the next few years. Please see Vanda if you wish to discuss this position with her. Allan Stack will provide information on the various responsibilities of this group.

Diocesan Synod

The Synod of our Diocese meets this coming Friday and Saturday. A report on the activities will be presented to you at a later date. The Synod consists of the ordained staff and 2 lay representatives from every parish. Nearly 270 people were present to make decisions that control the efficient operation of our Diocese. Thanks for your prayerful support

Home Group

Soon we will be starting a Home Group. Initially this will meet monthly. Please see the vicar if you are interested in supporting this new initiative.

Card night, 2 October

We enjoyed a lively card night last Wednesday. Please note this in your diary at 7pm on the first Wednesday of the month in the Centennial Centre. Supper is provided. Please bring along any family members, friends or card sharps.

Parish Prayer Group

This group meets on Sundays at 9:15-9:30 in the church. Please come along if you feel called to join us. We are going to extend this to include a prayer chain. Please see the Vicar if you want to be part of this group.

This week, 8 September, 10am, Ordinary Sunday 23

Presider: The Vicar

Preacher: Alastair Wood

Liturgist: Janet Christie-Anderson

Intercessions: Alastair Wood

Organist: Sheelagh Wood

Reading: Liz Chapman

Welcomer: Moya Caird

Sides-person: Viki Brinkman

Morning tea: Sue Sully/Margaret Hollis

Cleaning: Stewart Family

Next week, 15 September, 10am, Ordinary Sunday 24

Presider: The Vicar

Preacher: Jill Straker

Liturgist: Vanda McKerchar

Intercessions: Jill Straker

Organist: Janet Christie-Anderson

Reading: Janet Christie Anderson

Welcomer: Clive Straker

Sides-person: Chris Stewart

Morning tea: Viki and Christine Clapp

Cleaning: Stack Family


Parish Directory

Vicar: The Reverend Mark Sullivan, 027 475 9946,nz

People’s Warden: Allan Stack, 027 433 3735

Vicar’s Warden: Alistair McKerchar, 03 384 4788

Mt Pleasant Project Chairman: Janet Christie-Anderson, 021 2212635