Mid week services:
Thursdays at 4:00pm at the Church of St Mary in Heathcote
The first Thursday of the month is BCP Holy Communion
The remaining Thursday services are sung Evensong

Sunday services: 10am

Mid week services:
Thursdays at 4:00pm
The first Thursday of the month Holy Communion
Other Thursday services are sung Evensong

23 June, 10am, 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Liturgist: Vanda McKerchar

Intercessions: Sue Sullivan

Organist: Janet Christie-Anderson

Reading: Pat Owen

Welcomer: Christine Clapp

Sides-person: Viki Brinkman

Morning tea: Sue Sullivan & Margaret Hollis

Cleaning: Straker family

30 June, 10am, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Liturgist: Geo Sully

Intercessions: Geo Sullivan

Organist: Janet Christie-Anderson

Reading: Liz Chapman

Welcomer: Sue Sullivan

Sides-person: Judy Stack

Morning tea: Liz Chapman/Rae Boland

Cleaning: Stewart family