Mid week services:
Thursdays at 4:00pm at the Church of St Mary in Heathcote
The first Thursday of the month is BCP Holy Communion
The remaining Thursday services are sung Evensong
Sunday services: 10am
Mid week services:Thursdays at 4:00pm
The first Thursday of the month Holy CommunionOther Thursday services are sung Evensong
The first Thursday of the month Holy Communion
23 June, 10am, 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Liturgist: Vanda McKerchar
Intercessions: Sue Sullivan
Organist: Janet Christie-Anderson
Reading: Pat Owen
Welcomer: Christine Clapp
Sides-person: Viki Brinkman
Morning tea: Sue Sullivan & Margaret Hollis
Cleaning: Straker family
30 June, 10am, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Liturgist: Geo Sully
Intercessions: Geo Sullivan
Organist: Janet Christie-Anderson
Reading: Liz Chapman
Welcomer: Sue Sullivan
Sides-person: Judy Stack
Morning tea: Liz Chapman/Rae Boland
Cleaning: Stewart family