We offer ideal facilities to host a variety of groups in our neighbourhood. Some of these groups are directly affiliated with the Church, and others are for the benefit of our communities and social groups in our corner of Christchurch. Below are some of the groups and their contacts for you and your family to get involved.


Cafe Crawl

Tuesday Mornings at 10:30am

We meet for a cuppa at cafes in and around the parish. Each week a different venue is chosen. Please see the Monthly Calendar tab for the latest venues. Please contact: nurture.u@gmail.com for further information


After Church Lunch

Sunday after worship from 12:00am

We meet for lunch following worship in cafes and restaurants in the parish area. Each week a different venue is chosen. The venue is printed in the pew sheet at worship each Sunday. Please join us!

Smiling Cyclists

8:45am meeting in the carpark outside Mitre10 in Ferrymead

We meet on Thursdays and connect with a local Rotary Club. We travel some of the many off-street cycling routes throughout the city. We stop for refreshments part way along our journey and return around lunchtime. We normally travel 40-60km and most use e-bikes. Everyone is welcome to join us.

Please contact: nzsullys@gmail.com  for more information


Meal @ Valley Inn

5:00pm at the Valley Inn, 3 Flavell St, Heathcote

We meet for a weekly meal following Evensong. Its good to meet with local identities and have a good quality reasonably priced meal. Everyone is welcome to join us.

Please contact: nzsullys@gmail.com for more information

Parish Swim Team

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Mornings
8:00am at Aquagym

We meet for about an hour working at our own pace and program. Following the session we meet for a cuppa at Under the Red Verandah, 29 Tancred St. Everyone is welcome to join the group.

Please contact: brinkmanvcfamily@xtra.co.nz for more information.

Dessert Challenge

Last Sunday of the month
7:00pm at a parishioners home

Bring a dessert with you and take part in our dessert bakeoff. A celebrity judge will select the winner for the night and a prize will be awarded. We hope to see you there. Be prepared to go home with a full stomach!

For further information, please refer to the newsletter.

Card Night

First Wednesday of the month
7:00pm in the Centennial Centre, 2 Truscotts Rd

Come and join the card school! If you enjoy 500, Euchre and crib, this is the night for you. Please join us and bring a friend.

Bible Study

From time to time we hold bible studies. Generally these happen during Lent (leading ups to Easter) and during Advent (Leading up to Christmas). keep an eye on the newsletter as these activities are advertised well in advance.

Currently we are meeting for Lent Studies on Thursdays at 4pm in the Centennial hall at 2 Truscotts Rd in Heathcote. Please join us.

Study Group

Mah Jong Group

1:30pm Wednesdays at the Church of the Ascension, 39 Major Hornbrook Rd, Mt Peasant.

This group of enthusiasts meets weekly to play Mahjong for social enjoyment. Anyone is welcome to join. Contact Judy at (03) 384 0027.

Mahjong Group

Twinkle Tots

10:30am Friday mornings during the school term in the Village Hall, Church of St Mary, cnr Martindales/Truscotts Rds, Heathcote

Twinkle Tots is a song and dance activity for pre-school children up to four years of age accompanied by a parent or care-giver. It is followed by a relaxed morning tea/coffee/water and a nibble. It is operated by the parish.

Contacts: Suzanne Stewart, phone 027 285 1843

twinkle tots

The Association of Anglican Women

3rd Tuesday of the month
2:00pm meeting at the Church of St Mary, 3 Truscotts Rd, Heathcote 

The Association of Anglican Women is an organisation whose aim is to promote Christian family life. The group has an ecumenical flavour, and is open to any women in the district who are interested.

Please contact Pat Owen for more information: buxtons7@xtra.co.nz


Otautahi Aikido

Meet in the Village Hall, at the Village Hall, cnr Martindales/Truscotts Rds, Heathcote.

The group has taken a long-term lease of the Village Hall, though it will be available by arrangement for other functions. Details of Otautahi Aikido and the childrens' and other classes are on their web pages (www.aikido.gen.nz)

Contact: Liam O'Donoghue 021 727 690.


Heathcote Valley Wool Craft Group

9:15am Thursdays in the Village hall, Church of St Mary, cnr Martingales/Truscotts Rds, Heathcote

This group of enthusiasts meets weekly to spin, knit and create with wool. Anyone is welcome to join.

Contact Felicity at: thebackhouses@slingshot.co.nz or (03) 384-1755.

The Heathcote Valley Wool Craft Group

Our facilities are available for hire, either for a single event, or to host regular group meetings. To arrange for your own event or group, refer to the Facilities pages. Please contact vicar@heathcote-mtpleasant.org.nz for further details.